Course and Program Fees

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Information about your course and program fees

Undergraduate Students

Our Board of Governors sets course fees according to Ministry of Colleges and Universities guidelines.

As an undergraduate student, your course fee structure is based on:

  1. your assigned fees cohort year
  2. the designation of your academic program major(s) as professional or regular
  3. whether your fees are charged by number of course credits (course-based fees) or by time periods of enrolment (program-based fees)
  4. whether you qualify for domestic tuition

You are assigned a fees cohort year when you enter a program at York.

In most cases, it is based on the year that you entered the University and completed at least one course in your current program. If you transferred here from another university, your fees cohort year is based on when we admitted you, not on when your previous university admitted you.

For example, if you are admitted and complete at least one course in Summer 2022 or Fall/Winter 2022-2023 you are assigned the 2022 fees cohort year. 

Can my Fees Cohort Year Change?

Your fees cohort year will change if:

  • you do not complete a course in the academic year (September-August) you are first admitted to your program. Your fees cohort will change if you are readmitted to York or allowed to defer your admission to the following year.
  • you do not complete at least one course at York University over a total of two consecutive academic years — that is, any four or more consecutive summer and fall/winter sessions — and therefore need to re-activate your academic record.
  • You complete your undergraduate program and start a new program. This can be for an undergraduate or graduate degree or for non-degree studies.
  • You change to a different undergraduate program.
  • You change major subjects from a regular program to a professional program.

You begin in the Fall/Winter 2017-2018 session, so you are assigned to the 2017 fees cohort year.

After taking courses through the Fall/Winter 2019-2020 session, you decide to take a break.

You want to return in the Summer 2023 session.

To do so, you must re-activate your record because you have not completed any courses at York in the previous four consecutive academic sessions.

Because you re-activated for Summer 2023, you are re-assigned to the 2023 fees cohort year.

Undergraduate program majors not listed below are designated regular.

Ministry of Colleges and Universities guidelines provide for different fee increases for these undergraduate program majors that are designated as professional programs:

  • Business Administration (BBA, iBBA)
  • Commerce (BCom)
  • Computer Science (BA, BSc, iBA, iBSc)
  • Disaster and Emergency Management (BDEM)
  • Engineering (BEng), including:
    • Civil Engineering
    • Computer Engineering
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Geomatics Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Software Engineering
    • Space Engineering
  • Information Technology (BA, BCom, BSc)
  • Law (JD)
  • Public Administration (BPA)
Fee Rates for Double Major Programs

If you are in a Double Major program and both of your majors are regular, all your course enrolment fees are regular.

If you are in a Double Major program and at least one of your majors is professional, all your course enrolment fees are professional.

Fee Rates for Double Major programs
First Major Subject Second Major Subject Rate for All Courses











Fee Rates for Major/Minor Programs

If you are in a Major/Minor program, all your course enrolment fees are charged according to your major subject.

Fee Rates for Major/Minor Programs

Major Subject  

Minor Subject  

Rate for All Courses 











We use a course-based formula to calculate almost all undergraduate programs. Individual courses have a specific credit value: for example, 3.00 credits or 6.00 credits. Within a specific fees cohort year for each program, we fix the cost associated with enrolling in a single course credit. We then calculate the total fees for a course by multiplying that cost by the credit value of the course.

However, we use a program-based formula to calculate fees for the Juris Doctor (JD) program in Osgoode Hall Law School and the Bachelor of Design (BDes) program in the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design. If you are in the JD program, you are charged a fixed amount of fees for an academic term, during which you can enrol in a maximum number of course credits. If you are in the BDes program, you are charged a fix amount of fees for an academic year, during which you can enrol in a maximum number of course credits.

Other Fees and Charges

Associated course fees: In some courses you are charged for printed material or supplies. You can find this information under Notes/Additional Fees for each course in the York Courses Website.

Supplementary fees: These directly benefit students by promoting health and safety, providing academic and personal support and enhancing campus life and culture. They are charged by course credit (course-based fee structure) or enrolment period (program-based fee structure).

Additional charges: These include health insurance charges like the York Federation of Students (YFS) Health & Dental Plan and the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP). If you are an undergraduate student you must have YFS Health & Dental Plan coverage, unless you are a Juris Doctor student in Osgoode Hall Law School, in which case you are covered through the York University Graduate Students’ Association Health Plan. Only international students are required to have UHIP coverage. If you have comparable coverage you may opt out. The websites linked above include details and deadlines.

Graduate Students

Our Board of Governors sets course fees according to Ministry of Colleges and Universities guidelines.

As a graduate student, your course fee structure is based on:

  1. your assigned fees cohort year
  2. the designation of your academic program as professional or regular
  3. whether you are pursuing full-time or part-time studies
  4. whether you qualify for domestic tuition

You are assigned a fees cohort year when you enter a program.

In most cases, it is based on the year that you entered the University and completed at least one course in your current program. If you transferred here from another university, your fees cohort year is based on when we admitted you, not on when your previous university admitted you.

For example, if you are admitted and complete at least one course in Summer 2022 or Fall/Winter 2022-2023 you are assigned to the 2022 fees cohort year. 

Can my fees cohort year change?

Your fees cohort year will change if:

  • you do not complete a course in the academic year (September-August) during which you are first admitted to your program. Your fees cohort will change if you are readmitted or allowed to defer your admission to the following year.
  • you do not complete at least one course over a total of two consecutive academic years — that is, any four or more consecutive summer and fall/winter sessions — and therefore need to re-activate your academic record.
  • You complete your graduate and start a new program. This can be for an undergraduate or a graduate degree, or for non-degree studies.
  • You change to a different graduate program.
  • You change from a regular program to a professional program.

You begin in the Fall/Winter 2017-2018 session, so you are assigned to the 2017 fees cohort year.

After taking courses through the Fall/Winter 2019-2020 session, you decide to take a break.

You want to return in the Summer 2023 session.

To do so, you must re-activate your record because you have not completed any courses at York in the previous four consecutive academic sessions.

Because you re-activated for Summer 2023, you are re-assigned to the 2023 fees cohort year.

Graduate programs not listed below are considered regular.

Ministry of Colleges and Universities guidelines provide for a different set of fee increases for these graduate programs that are designated as professional:

Master’s Degrees

  • Master of Accounting (MAcc)
  • Master of Applied Science Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering (MASc)
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA, iMBA, EMBA)
  • Master of Business Analytics (MBAN)
  • Master of Conference Interpreting (MCI)
  • Master of Design (MDes)
  • Master of Financial Accountability (MFAc)
  • Master of Finance (MF)
  • Master of Human Resources Management (MHRM)
  • Masters of International Business Law
  • Master of Laws (LLM, professional program)
  • Master of Leadership and Community Engagement (MLCE)
  • Master of Management (MMgt)
  • Master of Management in Artificial Intelligence (MMAI)
  • Master of Marketing (MMKG)
  • Master of Public Policy, Administration and Law (MPPAL)
  • Master of Real Estate and Infrastructure (MREI)
  • Master of Supply Chain Management (MSCM)

Graduate Diplomas

  • Advanced Accounting (GDAA)
  • Financial Engineering (GDFE)
  • Foundations of Canadian Law (GFC)
  • Intermediate Accounting (GDIA)
  • Law for Law Enforcement Professionals (GDLLE)
  • Management (GDM)

We use a program-based formula to calculate graduate program fees. As a graduate student you are charged a fixed amount for a period of time—an academic term or an academic year—during which you can enrol in a maximum number of course credits.

Learn more about how full-time and part-time status are designated and maintained.

Other Fees and Charges

Associated course fees: You are charged for printed material or supplies in some courses. This is shown in Notes/Additional Fees in the York Courses Website timetable listing.

Supplementary fees: These directly benefit students by promoting health and safety, providing academic and personal support and enhancing campus life and culture. They are charged by enrolment period—the term or the year—under the program-based fee structure for graduate studies.

Additional charges: These include:

  • a non-refundable $15 registration fee per academic term.

Continuing Students

If you are a student who entered or returned to York on or after May 10, 2022 for the Summer 2022 term or on or after September 9, 2022 for the Fall/Winter 2022-2023 term, click the button below to see your course and program fees. These fees can vary depending on the year you entered or returned to York and your Faculty or program.

Additional Fees

All full-time students must be enrolled in a health plan. As a result, if you are a full-time student, you will be charged for this service. If you would like to opt out of the student health plan because you are already enrolled in a comparable health plan, please select the appropriate link below to learn more about the process:

International students are covered by the University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) as well as a supplementary health plan. Please visit York International's Health Insurance and Health Care page for complete information.

For most students, residence fees and any meal plan charges will be posted to your student account in August. You will also see your room reservation deposit as a credit on your account. For details on paying your account electronically, visit the My Student Account page.

For residence rates and other housing information (including housing on the Glendon campus), visit Student Housing Services. Learn more about meal plans by visiting Food Services.

Rent is charged to your student account each month, per your tenancy agreement. The date the charge is applied to your account may vary, but rent is always due on the first of the month.

Telecom York bills for telephone, television and ResNet (Internet) services through your student account. You can review these and all other charges on your Student Account Online Statement.

For account details, to submit requests for a new service, or to make changes to your existing services, go to My InRes Account; for more information, visit the InRes site.

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  • In-person
  • Virtually
  • Phone
  • Email

Visit the Contact SSA page for more details on hours of operation.

Email: (Please remember to include your name and reference or student number in your email.)